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Enhancing Efficiency at the Œnoconseil Laroche Analysis Laboratory

19th July 2022

As the owner of a LISA 300 for years, Jean-Charles decided to renew the analyser and selected the next generation of automated instruments in the IDS range; the IDS c10 discrete analyser.

A Long-Standing Relationship with IDS

The choice of analyser was not left to chance. It was not only a question of purchasing a high-performing machine but of finding a responsive partner who would be there when needed.

Quality was one of the first criterion. The proximity of the production plant in Pouilly-en-Auxois, alongside the components sourced from France and Europe, on-site assembly and a thorough exchange with the development engineers ticked that box. Secondly, the solution had to accept homemade sample calibration to make sure of the accuracy of the measures. Then, it had to be an open system in terms of reagent supplier and analytical methods. Eventually, perhaps the most important criterion was the guarantee of responsive customer service, whether in terms of maintenance or order management, to ensure the smooth running of the laboratory during peak periods.

On the latter matter, the experience with IDS over the last 20 years was seamless, with the team ensuring that the laboratory was never placed on hold and competent technicians could always be reached as and when required to provide unmatched technical support. For the Œnoconseil Laroche laboratory, the same technician has been supporting for ten years with perfect knowledge of the laboratory and its needs. IDS is a technical and human partner that is close to the problems in the field.

“I am very satisfied with the various contacts. We always get a quick response. On the phone, we have competent, educational people who make us feel comfortable about the difficulties we encounter, and who know how to solve our problems.”

Audrey, Laboratory Technician

Contact us today to learn more about the brand-new IDS c10

The Simple, Efficient IDS c10 Analyser

IDS machines are there to make life easier for technicians, offering maximum automation while maintaining full control of wine sample analysis.

The Œnoconseil Laroche team appreciated the simplicity of use of the IDS c10, from start-up to shut-down, with the help of user-friendly software that ensures a quick learning curve for the whole team. For Audrey, who works in the laboratory, it is a successful user experience at all stages, right through to the low-maintenance nature of the instrument. The technology is comfortable and ergonomically designed with open racks for different types of tubes, so there’s no need to buy specific tubes. The laboratory was able to use the same tubes on their previous machine. The c10 platform even accommodates micro volumes in cases where small quantities of samples must be analysed.

Speed, simplicity, and efficiency are what the team at the Laroche Œnoconseil laboratory has observed in practice with the IDS c10. Calibration and quality control processes are launched with a single click. The system delivers up to 150 tests per hour in bi reagents configuration. End of the day maintenance takes less than 5 minutes. Those are all time-saving factors which are crucial to the efficient running of the Œnoconseil Laroche facility.

“With the installation of this new machine, the reliability of the machine and the ease of use, combined with the personalised support provided by IDS, we were quickly able to renew our COFRAC accreditation for the parameters we had chosen.”

“Our experience was fast and easy; you don’t waste a lot of time stopping it and maintaining it on a daily basis. Everything is compact on the machine, which is very ergonomic. You can easily access the different modules. You can even load and unload samples of reagents from it while it’s running, and thanks to a barcode reader, placing the different products on the machine is simple, easy and efficient.”

Audrey, Laboratory Technician


The analytical protocol set-up is highly flexible with several options in terms of dilution, mixing, rinsing and measures. Thanks to the open programming, the IDS c10 adapted to the laboratory’s specific protocols, ensuring that the laboratory was not bound to one reagent supplier only.

All the relevant data from calibration date to reagent lot number or quality control values are recorded. Thanks to its traceability capacities, the IDS c10 interface was able to ensure strict monitoring standards, helping the laboratory to quickly renew their COFRAC accreditation and ISO 17025 standard.

Audrey shared “As far as certification is concerned, in the context of traceability of a result, we can easily find all the data necessary for our quality system, whether it is the calibration associated with each reagent, the batch number, the expiry number or the consumables inside the machine, everything is integrated and easily traceable.”

Contact us today to learn more about the brand-new IDS c10

Fast, Precise Results with IDS and BioSenTec

IDS and BioSenTec have developed a full range of products dedicated to oenology with ready-to-use reagents for ensuring fast, precise results.

In terms of reagents, the laboratory had a choice of supplier. The choice of BioSenTec reagents optimised for the IDS instruments allowed Œnoconseil Laroche to shorten installation and validation times.

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